How to store ghee: The Proper Way to Store Ghee
2 min readFeb 22, 2021
Storing of ghee should be done with utmost care, because the product has been created for use in cooking and if you don’t do this properly you can have the risk of the contents getting spoiled. When you are using this type of cooking oil in your food recipes, it’s important that you are able to store it properly so that the nutrients will remain intact for a longer period of time.
If you are going to learn how to store ghee for a long time to come, then you should take a look at this guide that will tell you about the best way to store this type of cooking oil. For your information, here are some of the tips that you should consider:
- The correct way to store ghee for a long time is that you should keep it away from direct sunlight. This is because of the reason that the contents get spoiled if they are exposed to direct sunlight. So, the best thing that you can do is to store this in an air-tight container.
- You should also remember to add extra cooling as much as possible, in case the container starts to get very hot, because this can spoil the contents of this cooking oil. However, it also stays fresh at normal room temperature.
- The best place to store ghee is in its original container and away from direct sunlight and heat. Store the container in a cool dark place. Follow these simple steps and make your ghee long-lasting.